Books We Recommend:


There are few challenges greater than raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord and few challenges for which most Christians feel less equipped. Here are my recommendations of books on parenting.

Top Recommendation

Gospel-Powered Parenting by William Farley

While it is by no means the perfect book on parenting, Farley excels at showing how the gospel matters in our parenting.

The purpose of the book, as you might gather from the title, is to focus on the gospel as the most important power in parenting. It is not the parents—their efforts, prayers, hopes, dreams—that ultimately ought to shape parenting. Instead, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the power that needs to be at the center of all we are, all we do, as parents. And this is exactly what Farley teaches through the 230 pages of Gospel-Powered Parenting—he shows how to apply the gospel to every aspect of parenting and, further, how the gospel is really foundational in all that we do as parents. We cannot effectively teach or discipline or care for our children if we ignore the gospel. This is the message of the book and it is one we, as Christian parents, do well to ponder and to heed.

Other Recommendations

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

Excellent reading for the parents of young children. Follow it up with Instructing a Child’s Heart.

What Every Son Wishes His Father Had Told Him by Byron Yawn

Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson

This is one for the mother of young children.

Everyday Talk by Jay Younts

Going Public by David and Kelli Pritchard

A must-read for parents of children who are in public schools.

Get Outta My Face by Rick Horne

It’s for the parents of teens, if the title didn’t tip you off.